Media Appearance: 23 Feb 2012

Co-Director David will be appearing on Looking into the Unknown from 7 – 8PM on Thursday, 23 Feb 2012. Tune in and hear about his most recent thoughts on paranormal technology!


Media Appearance: 16 Jan 2012

Long time, no blog!

Actually, 2011 was a busy year, with a lot of cooperative work with other regional groups, an expansion of activity within our research partnership (S.P.I.R.I.T.), and a ton of interviews. Hopefully, despite the busy 2012 schedule, we can take a bit of time to give everyone a heads-up regarding future media and conference appearances, as well as any NJPRG-specific investigations that might emerge.


Co-Director David will be appearing on WLEE AM 990 Richmond Virginia LIVE (well at least not dead) and on the air on Ghost Raps with Big Ray and KB on January 16th at approximately 6:15 pm. Listen live in the Richmond Area, or go to the website:


April 2011: Upcoming Events

NJPRG will be conducting an investigation of a private residence in Hackettstown, NJ on Saturday, 09 April 2011. John and David will be joined by members of the local Centenary College Paranormal Research Society for this investigation.

David will be conducting an interview with Fate Radio on Thursday, 14 April 2011 @ 10PM EST.

John will be working with New Jersey Paranormal Research on an investigation of a private residence in Union, NJ on Saturday, 16 Apr 2011.

David will be giving a lecture on “Discoveries” to the New Jersey Ghost Hunters Society during their North Jersey Division monthly meeting on Tuesday, 19 April 2001 @ 7PM EST.

John will be working with a local group on an overnight investigation at an undisclosed location in NJ on 30 April 2011. More details will be provided once permission is granted.


Interview: Coast to Coast with George Noory: 09 March 2011

Co-Director David was a guest on Coast to Coast with George Noory:


Interview: Paraquest Radio Network: 03 Mar 2011

Co-Director David will be interviewed on Thursday, 03 Mar 2011 on the Paraquest Radio Network for Jacqui Carpenter’s “Whispers in the Darkness”, where he and Jacqui will discuss Ley Lines and whatever else pops up..


Ecto Radio Interview: 01 March 2011

Co-Director David will be interviewed on Tuesday, 01 Mar 2011 on Ecto Radio.

Here is the link to the live show and chat!


March 2009 Presentations and Interviews

We’re slowly but surely coming out of our holiday hiatus. Co-Director Dave will be giving a couple of interviews and a presentation in the month of March 2009. Listen in or attend (or both)!

    March 12

Interview with KC Paranormal Studies

    March 18

Presentation, “Introduction to Ghost Hunting”, at Hackettstown Library at 7PM

    March 27

Interview with Debra Keily

Dave also gave an interview on 24 January 2009 with the International Paranormal Radio Talk Show. It should be available in the archives.


Interview with IPRA’s Jaqui Carpenter

Co-director Dave will be the subject of an interview by Jaqui Carpenter for the IPRA podcast on Wednesday, 03 Dec 2008 from 8-9PM.

The podcast will be archived at:


Recent Investigations by NJPRG Members: November 2008

Research Associate Dave was called in by New Jersey Ghost Hunters Society for the investigation of a private residence in Hackettstown, NJ.

Investigators Ron and Lisa participated in an investigation of Eastern State Penitentiary offered by New Jersey Ghost Hunters Society.

As per our group policies, details and investigative results will not be summarized on this site unless otherwise permitted by the organizations who were contacted by the client.


Radio Interview: 01 Oct 2008

Lead research associate Dave will be interviewed on the radio tomorrow morning (01 October 2008) at 9:15AM. You can listen live from the website: