Latest Site Updates

Several pages have been added to our site as of this entry:

1) A new form for requesting investigations has been added to simplify the process for those in need.

2) A page has been prepared for a summary of equipment and methods. This page will be used to describe the equipment sets used by NJPRG investigators, unique custom devices used for research, and methods of data collection and analysis.

3) A page has been prepared for a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page. This page will be used to outline basic questions regarding our policies, our practices, and our investigative philosophy. Please feel free to comment with any questions you feel should be included.


Investigation Summary: Queens, NYC

Initial commentary on the investigations conducted to date at a private residence in Queens, NYC has been added to the site.


Links Page Added!

A page has been added with links to organizations and associations of our members!


List of NJPRG Associates Added!

The list of current investigators associated with NJPRG has been added to the website. Those interested in an investigation may contact any of the investigators listed, based on their preference.



The website is currently under construction…please bear with us!



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