February 2010 Update!

It’s been quite some time since there’s been an update on the site, and on behalf of NJPRG, I apologize!

Members of NJPRG have been part of a number of exciting projects and cases in the past several months. Most of them have been in support of other local groups in the region: New Jersey Paranormal Research (NJPR) and Garden State Ghost Hunters Society (GSGHS) in particular. Because those groups were in charge of those cases, we do not list them on our site or present any of the potential evidence.

Work with these other organizations continues. Co-Director John will be working with NJPR on an overnight case this weekend, where he will continue to conduct the EVP experiment that has been ongoing for the past couple of years. Meanwhile, Co-Director and Head of Research, Dave, continues to conduct interviews and sharing our results with scientists and fellow investigators around the world. The most recent interview with Dave, on Paracast, can be found here:

Dave on Paracast, 24 Jan 2010

Meanwhile, NJPRG is still available for investigations, and more updates are forthcoming!