The NJPRG Store is now open!

For NJPRG investigators, affiliates, family, and friends, we have created some official NJPRG apparel and gear. All of the items use our current team logo; additional items will be made available in the near future!

The current team logo can be seen at this location.


Investigations Update

A quick update on the current activities for NJPRG:

Most of the members have been on vacation this month, so updates on the new site have been far and few between. We are, however, looking into a couple of cases that will (hopefully) be schedule this month.

The second investigation for the Queens, NYC case has been canceled by the client. As it stands, it does not appear that we will have the opportunity to research some of the open questions regarding that case.

If you are experiencing unexplained activity and would like to request an investigation, please let us know!